3 Ways You Can Help Your Employees Get Healthier

Healthy employees often make for happier employees. This means that if your workforce feels good about their bodies and are taking good care of themselves, they’ll have more energy to devote to your company and will be more likely to be productive and creative. However, employers can’t really demand a certain level of health from employees without getting some serious backlash. Luckily, there are some things you can do that will encourage your employees to be healthy for everyone’s benefit. To show you how, here are three ways you can help your employees get healthier.

Lead By Example

Unless upper management is showing that they take their own healthy seriously, you can bet that that staff within your office won’t be taking your pleads for health very seriously either. Knowing this, Veer Gidwaney, a contributor to Inc.com, shares that you’ve got to lead by example if you want to create a healthy work culture. Show your employees that you care about your health and their health by providing clean drinking water, being active during and after work hours, and praising those who are taking healthy steps in their own lives. By doing these things, you’ll prove to your employees that you’re serious about being healthy and helping them reach their health goals as well.

Show The Effects On Their Wallet

Many people don’t realize the financial toll their unhealthy lifestyle is having on them. One way you can help your employees realize the cost of their poor health decisions is to put some pressure on them financially based on their health. Max Nisen, a contributor to Business Insider, shares that by creating wellness plans in accordance with your health insurance, your staff will be able to see just how much money they could be saving monthly if their health allowed them to qualify for acceptance in a wellness program. To make this fair, you could also allow those whose health doesn’t qualify to be in the wellness program pending their agreement to work with a health coach.

Encourage Exercise During Work Hours

If you’re able to create a culture that encourages health and activity at work, your employees can take advantage of those opportunities to get healthier even when on the clock. According to Alan Kohll, a contributor to Forbes.com, this can be done by holding walking meetings, starting groups that take periodic walks during the day, or giving your employees memberships to gyms that they can visit during their lunch breaks. By making activity during the day a habit, your employees will start to become healthier.

If you’re looking for ways to help your workforce become healthier, use the tips mentioned above to get started.

Infographic created by DuroVac – osha compliant vacuum

Meredith Weisser

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